About Me

I am only an ordinary woman. Who love to read and learning and sharing. My biggest passion are reading, writing, blogging, Islamic Knowledge, Islamic History, Halal and Healthy Food. I am also enjoying the simple way of calming mind by praying, practicing  simple yoga and pilates for healthy life style.

My wildest dream are living in the jungle with my beloved ones, staring the moon and stars in the  quite-dark night, hearing the night insects sounds, witnessing the sun rising in the morning while breathing deep breath of clear fresh morning air. Travelling the world as a famous writer and giving motivation for muslimah " how we could be the smart muslimah to rise up  better generation.

I have wrote 3 story books, and now going to write non fictional books. I will tell you later, Insha Allah :)

4 komentar:

  1. Kok nggak ada keterangan apapun
    isi Jeng

    1. Pak Dhe, makasih banyak, suatu kehormatan dikunjungi Presiden warung Blogger. Ini saya masih utak -utik cara mindahin posting ke halaman , gimana ya Dhee... :'(
